Guardian Home Program
At Skypoint, we’ve developed a program by which we find foster homes for some of our breeding females and males. Fostering allows us - as responsible preservation breeders - to allocate show prospects, semi-active breeding contributors and retired veterans to homes and families where they can flourish as a cherished member of a home. From time to time, we may ask to 'borrow' this show pup to take to shows to attain their Championship status. A foster family agrees to care for their foster dog in their own home, as a loved family pet. That includes covering all costs associated with the dog while in their care, including food and vet costs. Families must also agree to monitor their foster dog for signs of heat and return her to us promptly when it is time for her to breed or have puppies.
As breeders, we retain full rights to showing and breeding, as well as any expenses related to these activities. All breeding and whelping will take place in our home, under our supervision.
Full health testing will be completed at our expense for each dog in the breeding program. Only the day to day costs of owning a dog will be the responsibility of the foster parents. These dogs are bred out of some of the strongest pedigrees available, with amazing, long-standing health records. If you love the breed and have always wanted the best in health guarantees, this is the program for you!
Males need very little time away from your home for breeding, but they require a family with routine, consistency and high expectations for good behaviour in order to be at their happiest while left intact. Families will need to be prepared to have their girls away for one to two weeks during breeding times and up to six weeks for whelping and puppy rearing. After the female has been retired from the program and the foster family has had her spayed, transfer full ownership to the foster family.
We love to share these amazing dogs and their lives with those who will love them every bit as much as we do throughout their whole life, right along with us.
Fostering these exceptional dogs is a great sacrifice and we need to trust all of our foster families with our beloved dogs. For that reason, full contract and home checks apply.
If interested, please contact us